Square Peg ● Round Hole







In between random writing assignments, I have been perusing the abyss of freelance writing gigs.   I compare it to searching for a needle in a haystack.  Sometimes you hit the jackpot other times you end up writing an ad for Craigslist.    It is essential that your expectations are as low as they can go and that your sense of humor is at an all time high.

I have applied for a couple.  One was for a travel blog which I thought would be extremely cool, but it turned out they want you to solicit hotels to have an ad put in their platform.  The hotel could pay me by cash or a room with a small percentage going to the publication.  It sounded a little like a cross between a prostitute and a car salesman.  I politely declined.

Part of the process involves making sure that the jobs can be done remotely.  Two of the writing opportunities were not.  They sounded ideal.  One was in Spain and the other was in New York City, so obviously, no that ideal.  Both required some presence in their office and described a hip, fun vibe.   Both included a no asshole policy and a criteria of enjoying impromptu dance parties.  Seriously, I am working in the wrong region.

I particularly enjoy when they ask me to describe my writing style.   First, it depends.  I can spread a thick coat of serious onto any page or sprinkle my delightful sarcasm….their choice.    I am not taking myself seriously at all.   One of the blogs interested in me, called my cover letter “edgy” simply because I was more myself than politically correct.

All in all, I can laugh at the process and know this is all giving me excellent writing material.