I appreciate a kind gesture just like anyone else. It shows a generous heart. Most days I am a grateful recipient, unless the gesture involves an extremely large bag of popcorn leftover from a local movie theater. Let me explain. Someone that works with my husband also moonlights at this movie complex and was thoughtful enough to bring it to my husband. He even included containers of melted butter. When I received a text with a picture of this “gift”, I thought he was kidding, but when he walked in the door last night, my response was, “are you fucking kidding me?”. The only place to contain it was in the garage.
Keep in mind the list of health issues my husband has along with the goals of fitness and weight loss I have set for myself sprinkled with the genetics from Brian’s side of the family, this vat of popcorn represents everything one should not have just sitting around looking for innocent bodies to invade. While I have been saying everything in moderation, this exaggerated bag simply mocks that statement.
So, the bag sits in our garage while I plan its demise. I figured that once the novelty wears off, the boys will grow too lazy to venture out to fill their bowls. Actually, I was surprised that Bryce made such an effort last night. If it involves leaving the house, he will usually pass. I did some research and found that I could use this to feed the squirrels and birds, so that is something positive that can come from this ridiculous “gift”. Of course, when I shared that with my spouse, he responded, “you’re welcome” which annoyed me to no end.
My reality is that when I set goals for myself, I can’t expect everyone else to be on board with me. Men don’t always know how to be supportive. Sometimes, I have to be my own cheerleader. Oh, and if you need popcorn to string for your Christmas tree, please let me know. I have a generous heart and will be happy to share.
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