I am simply a spectator in life. Sometimes being a keen observer allows me to see things I would have missed. At a basketball tournament where Bailey’s team was participating, I got an eye full. And while the athletic participation of those with special needs is always inspiring, it is those who aren’t on the court that bring me my entertainment. Like the lady in her tank top and tight matching pants – it is February and the whole look was a fashion no-no – screaming like her kid was playing in the NCAA championship. Lady, no scouts are here so take a seat and calm down. Sure, she may be more invested than me, but I have been doing this for several hundred games. Plus, she seemed annoyed that my kid was playing defense on her kid, so I wasn’t a fan. If I sound a bit bitchy, no worries, that is simply part of my charm.
Then during halftime of the second game, one of the refs apparently had to leave, so his substitute came into relieve him. There is nothing better than seeing a “dad bod” in tight polyester shorts featuring his ultra-pasty legs and equally flattering striped shirt. Let me note that his black socks were uneven – one was pulled up while the other was not – which drove me me a bit batty. I wanted to scream, “Pull your sock up!”, but I didn’t want to draw attention to myself or have everyone look down at their socks. Remember I am simply an observer. Then he proceeded to stretch. I am assuming he thought there would be a lot of running, which there isn’t. Most of the kids look annoyed when they have to run repeatedly back and forth. But what caught my attention and many around me was that he was stretching with his back to the spectators. This meant a lot of butt up in the air gyrations which made me uncomfortable and wanting to scream, “My eyes! My eyes!”, but that seemed a little unkind, so I refrained.
Bailey’s team came home with the silver medal (yippee!) and a spot in the state tournament. This means more opportunities for me to be a tad snarky as I continue be a spectator and seeing things that I wish I could erase from my mind.
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