I am paying close attention to self-care at this point in time. With all of distractions around me, it is vital that I exercise, eat right, get plenty of sleep and meditate. Meditation for me, has been a way for me to quiet myself in a noisy world. Guided meditations have worked best as they allow me to focus on what is being said rather then the squirrel rave residing in my mind. So, I thought maybe a sleep meditation would be helpful to incorporate, but little did I know that would not bring me any peace.
The app I found has a selection of meditations to pick from, so the one that said “Deep sleep” was an obvious choice. That is until I heard the guy’s voice. It was a cross between Barney and Dick Vitale. I knew this one would not lull me to sleep, so I searched some more. The next one started out with the sound of water. Now, I am a fifty year old woman, so even the thought of water running makes me need to urinate, so I moved onto another one. Upon the first words of the woman guiding this sleep meditation, I thought “finally”. As I relaxed, she asked me to imagine lying on a beach with the sun warming my face. Then she asked me to imagine getting up from the beach and walking through a meadow. I did it even though I was perfectly happy residing in the sand. Then after the meadow, I was to imagine a climbing a small hill. By this time, I was wondering how was I suppose to relax when I am climbing a hill after walking through a meadow.
I nixed the sleepy meditation and found that I was actually tired. The exhaustion was probably brought on by the extensive hike I had to visualize in my mind. Whatever the case, I slept well and might revisit this concept. Perhaps researching this prior to bedtime would be helpful.
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