I should be in my element this week bossing people around, setting strong boundaries, and generally making certain individuals annoyed with me. I used to love being the one making decisions, but now, I kind of wish that someone else would take the wheel.
My mother seems settled now and she even asked for the caregiver to come an extra day which is unheard of, so fingers crossed, maybe I won’t have to deal with my other “child” for a good stretch of time. But, as life certainly goes, I must deal with another issue at hand.
Being a mother requires the moves of a ninja and the delivery of an accomplished psychiatrist. We must be sly about our motives and be gentle when approaching these sketchy subjects aka our children. I had noticed that there was a foul odor emanating from Bryce. Not the typical body odor commonly associated with teenage boys but something sour and almost gag worthy. So, I ordered an over the counter remedy and it seemed to help. But then I noticed it again. Because I want my child to have friends in college, I thought we needed to address this with a medical professional. I was armed with information from WebMD – don’t even act like you wouldn’t do the same – and we headed to our dermatologist. Bryce met me there after school, arms crossed, a scowl on his face and one word answers when asked questions. He was a delight. After some questions, she prescribed a topical antibiotic along with a heavy duty antiperspirant to try for two weeks to see if the condition has improved. He glared at me as he left.
One day maybe he will thank me. Probably not. But, after this week of a tough loving those special family members, I am ready for a timeout. I imagine that God has chosen to redirect my focus so that I am not consumed with the emotional looming of graduation in two short weeks. Whatever the case, these two have frayed my nerves and I am looking forward to a quiet and serene weekend…….hopefully.
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