Square Peg ● Round Hole







Nothing gets my blood pumping more than the sound of one of my fur babies vomiting or perhaps having diarrhea all over my carpet.  Yesterday, if this were a cardio workout, I would have been rocking it.  First, one of our cats decided to toss their breakfast on our rug.  My quick movement prompted her to move to the kitchen floor which is a very easy cleanup.  Crisis averted.

Later, as I was enjoying some time in my “happy place” aka my she-shed, I received a phone call from my spouse.   “Where is the stuff you use to clean up after the dogs.  One of them had diarrhea all over the carpet.”    First, apparently I am the only one who knows how to deal with a pet issues, but then I remembered that Brian gags at the sight of vomit or poop.  I trudge in the house and realize that this happened on my shag area rug in our bedroom.  Do you know how difficult getting diarrhea out of shag carpeting is?  I promptly went into a verbal cycle of sentence enhancers.

After spending time cleaning that up, I put Daisy in her kennel as a timeout.  Daisy has a tendency to take a dump or pee in the house when things aren’t going her way.  It is her version of the middle finger.  However, when I let her out later, Presley had a bout of the runs outside, so I think I berated the wrong dog.   Shit happens…..literally.

I love my fur babies, but honestly, am looking forward to spending some time apart.  As with anyone you love, time away gives you some perspective, appreciation, and much needed rest.   Daisy will certainly punish me when we get home, but it will be worth it.