Square Peg ● Round Hole







Since the beginning of Bryce’s senior year, I have been racking my brain to come up with any life instructions that I have failed to give him.   Yes, I am aware that he can figure it out as he goes, but there is that Mom thing going on wondering if I missed anything.  Yesterday, with tremendous glee, one item was revealed to me.

Bryce went to the post office to retrieve stamps that are being used for the hundreds (kidding) of thank you notes he wrote for his graduation gifts.  Trust me, the complaints of hand cramping were loud.   I explained that the quickest way to buy the stamps would be at the kiosk at the post office.    Seems simple, right?  Apparently not.   The child that gets annoyed when I inquire about any sort of technology or ask for assistance, was completely undone.  He ended up with four stamps in the amount of $6.70 each.  Then he stood in line to “talk to a human” as he emphatically announced where he was baffled at all the options in stamps.   The poor woman helping him probably quit after he left.

A little giddy in the knowledge that there is still something I can help him with, I explained that before he leaves for school, we will go to the kiosk and I can teach him the fundamentals.    However, he bought so many stamps, we may never need to go to the post office again.

There is a comfort that our children might be growing older, but there is still room for parenting.   And what I love about Bryce is that he stuck with it.   He isn’t afraid to ask questions even when he feels completely overwhelmed and maybe slightly inept.   So, if anyone needs four stamps in the amount of $6.70 each, I am your gal and they are yours for the taking.