Square Peg ● Round Hole







I used to really love being with people, but then people spoiled that for me.  So, it is baffling that our family is headed for our third Disney cruise next week.    Let me rephrase, it is baffling that I am willingly going to spend a week with thousands of people.   Even more alarming that I will be in a small cabin with three other grown adults exploding with testosterone.

Of course, I will have fun.  It is a Disney cruise for the love of God!   The last time we went, I didn’t want to get off the ship.   I think it might have been one of the few vacations that I have ever had where I was actually rested returning home.   Sure, I might have to endure Brian wearing socks with his sandals, but paybacks are given in the form of Bailey asking him to see the stage production of “Frozen” over and over again.  Those are the perks.   This time I will get to enjoy the adults only pool.  This time I won’t have to worry about small children and their needs.   It will be a totally different landscape.

And yes, let’s chat about the thousands of people who will be joining us.    Of course, you would never no that I am “anti” people with my charming disposition.  I am an excellent actress.  I ooze a kind and loving personality that easily masks the desire to be alone.  Don’t get me wrong I am as social as I choose to be.  I don’t get caught up in the idea that I am missing something if I don’t participate.   I am content in where I reside.

There is that little girl within that is bubbling with excitement.  I mean, who doesn’t want to celebrate their birthday sprinkled in Disney magic?