Square Peg ● Round Hole







After Tuesday’s storm, my backyard was littered with part of my beloved maple tree.  Because I am on task in a crisis, I had procured an appointment with the tree service company that I had used previously right after the storm finished its bullying. As 1 pm rolled around, the time that the person doing the estimate was scheduled to be here, I began to feel envious of the surrounding neighbors who were actually cleaning up the debris.  The sounds of chainsaws echoed in the air and here I sat waiting.   And waiting. And waiting.   I gave the company the benefit of the doubt thinking how busy they must be.   Then I called the number left in my email and relayed a courtesy message even though I wanted to blow my stack.

So, because I am proactive, I started researching other companies since I can’t have this tree, part of which was on my roof, to linger.    The first place I called was happy to have my business, but their first available appointment to give me an estimate would be the end of July.   That would be a “hell no”.    Then I decided to go through Home Adviser which matches you to companies in your area.     One of the companies that was recommended had an unusual name – Climb-Ax -and I simply could not bring myself to call them.  My youngest was confused as to why until eventually it sunk in.   Clever name, but that would be a no from me.

Finally, I connected with a company who was working nearby and for a very reasonable price took care of the mess that Mother Nature left after her latest bender.   Meanwhile, the company I was supposed to meet with called.  Apparently, the company I made an appointment with has the same name as our local one, however, they are in Colorado.  Gee, no wonder they didn’t make it on time.  But, it all worked out perfectly.  As most everything I experience does.

So, as I gaze out onto the cleared landscape of my backyard, I am reminded to be aware of the location of companies that I am making appointments with and to never doubt the power of how things work out in the perfect way at the perfect moment.