Square Peg ● Round Hole







We are at the two day mark before Bryce leaves for college. Since he will be the student trainer for WKU’s (Western Kentucky University) football team, he reports earlier than the other students. There is no fanfare as he is driving himself due to the fact he needs to be on site by 9 am CST on Friday. If I am being completely honest, I am a bit grief stricken. Not in the whole “I wish he were still a baby” crap, because I don’t miss those days at all. The first four years of his life, he didn’t sleep. So when I dropped him off for his first day of kindergarten, I barely stopped the car to let him out because I wanted to get home to take a nap. True story friends……he was a challenge. I prefer the older version of him. He is potty trained, does his own laundry, can drive, and most of the time, can engage in adult conversation when his eyes aren’t rolling when I speak.

So, here are some of the things I am doing to make the transition easier:

Hug Him Senseless

I take every moment to hug him. While he preparing his breakfast, sorting his clothes, playing XBox, etc., I simply smother him with affection. Sure, he is annoyed, but I don’t really care because I need to remember this feeling.

Repeat Phrases

While I hug him senseless, I repeat “you’re going to miss me” and “you love me” over and over in a monotone voice similar to a cult using mind control on their members.

Plan Social Outings

He leaves Friday, so the hubs and I are going out with good friends where I will be distracted with adult beverages and a movie.

Money Saver

I realized that we are actually going to save money. With him gone and all of the grants, etc., that he received, I am celebrating actually banking some bucks. Yes, friends, I will cry when he leaves, but my checking account is doing the happy dance. Kids are expensive!

It will be a transition for all of us. But, the good news is that we have prepared him the best we can and now it is his time to shine.