Square Peg ● Round Hole







“Red Lobster 6:30,”.  This is the text I receive from my spouse as I sit in a meeting to gain some spiritual serenity.    I breathe in and exhale deep as I know that dinner will be an adventure.  You see, when family comes into town, we gather everyone to share a meal.  Now, this number varies, so you never quite know what you are working with plus there really isn’t a solid plan.

I am a planner.   For me, I enjoy a place that takes reservations as I deplore waiting.  So, as we drove to Red Lobster, I already knew what was going to happen.  I didn’t even need a crystal ball.  This is pretty much the scenario most of the time.   As we arrived, those that were already there indicated that there would be a 45 minute wait.   Okay, friends, if you read my blog yesterday, you know that around 7 pm, if my feeding time hasn’t happened, I get “hangry”.   This was 6:45.   Sure, I had choices.  I didn’t have to go, but then I would have missed some great material to share.

Then the suggestion was another restaurant, which I shared would be on a wait as well. No one really listens to me, so I just sit back and enjoy my ride on the crazy train.  As quickly as the clown cars had unloaded, we loaded back up again to venture to the restaurant that I already knew would be packed.   We arrived at the second place and holy cow, I was right.  The only option left was going to a nearby Mexican restaurant where there would be no wait.  We just had Mexican on Friday, but at this point I needed to eat and possibly have a margarita. This morning I am saturated in salt from the chips and feel like I could be my own flotation device.

Here is the deal…….all families are nutty, quirky, and potentially entertaining with a side of insanity.    They can suck the serenity out of Mother Teresa.   But, as I sat there with our expanding family, I realize that I wouldn’t want it to be any different.  Okay, that is a lie, I would like to have a reservation and a plan, but other than that, I wouldn’t want it to be any other way.