Square Peg ● Round Hole







I am a firm believer that one must create a life that you don’t need to escape from.  Honestly, I have that life.  It isn’t perfect, but it fills me up and happiness is my constant companion……even when life turns shitty.    I am a firm believer that women should go away with their girlfriends.  It is important to connect with some female energy that empowers and lifts you up.

Today, I am going away for a week to immerse myself in girl time while exploring the wondrous city of Santa Fe in the beautiful state of New Mexico.   But, as most women understand, leaving your family can be a challenge.  Now, I don’t have young children, but I have three adult men who are somewhat childlike, so……there’s that.     I am in a place that I realistically know that the house might smell like feet (it did the last time I left them), the furniture might be moved to accommodate more efficient television viewing, and they might dine on crap.    As amazing as I am, they need a break from me too.  (Actually, sometimes I need a break from myself, but that is pretty hard to do.)

To me, this is just the adult version of running away from home.  Of course, I will come back.  They might even be grateful for all the things that I do.   Maybe I will work on my realistic expectations on that one while I am away.