Square Peg ● Round Hole







I wonder what goes on after the meteorologists get a forecast right.  Do they commemorate it in some fashion?  Maybe a little dance like some of those football players do after a touchdown.  Okay, so we ended up with freezing rain, but amazingly enough many of our schools opted to stay open.  It is odd to look at the ice covering the trees and the leaves that litter the ground.  Normally, I have time to get my leaves up prior to winter grabbing us by the balls.  Apparently, Mother Nature is drunk.

On top of the glistening ice that inhabits our fair city, I am currently wrapped up in a blanket with a small heater blowing hot air on me.  Why?  Well, friends, our furnace  apparently is pissed off or perhaps, went on a bender with Mother Nature.  In any case, it is chilly in our home.  Now, I don’t want appear heartless.  I know that there are over 62,000 people in our community without power, so at least, for now, we are powered up.

I didn’t sleep well.   Every hour our power would go off and then slowly come back on after about a minute.  You are probably wondering how I knew that was happening if I was asleep in a dark room.  Silence woke me up.   My sound machine was no longer humming.  It is like an alarm clock for me when it ceases to make its lulling noise.

I am mindful that things could be worse.  The images from the fires in California are frightening along with many other areas in our world struggling.   So, I will sit here wrapped in a blanket waiting on the furnace people to call me back.  I will acknowledge that sometimes the weather predictions are correct.  But, mostly, I will be wondering who will be facilitating an intervention with Mother Nature.  She is a batshit crazy.