Square Peg ● Round Hole







We have been discussing redoing our kitchen for a while.  The beauty of my situation is that my spouse is handy.  And if he doesn’t know how to do something, his father or brother are equally handy.  It is a gift until the process starts and then I get a little twitchy.  

I was really aiming to hold off the process until after Christmas.  But, as we discussed it further, he sold me on the notion that he could rip out our tile and install our new floor by the time we are hosting family.   My counters – he is building butcher block ones – along with my new Farmhouse sink, will be finished after the new year.  Then the cabinets and walls will be painted.   Voila!!!  I get really excited until there are appliances in my living room.  In these instances, I wish I could wiggle my nose like that chick from Bewitched.    Love the concept and the end result, just don’t like the process.  Kind of like how I feel about being pregnant.

Maybe the twitching comes from our last home project where we (I use we loosely, as I am really just a spectator), redid our upstairs bathroom and our toilet resided in the foyer for about six months.   It was an amazing decor accessory.  I am sure that one day it will be trendy.  Maybe I have a little PTSD from that experience.   

Last night, my spouse was completely jazzed with all that he had accomplished.  He was so excited that he asked if I wanted to learn the process.  I would blame it on the fumes, but there were none, so I will choose to believe he was temporarily insane.  I mean, the notion of learning how to do any sort of home improvement didn’t make my bucket list.   I can die peacefully never having to know any of that.   Hello!!!  Why do you people think I married him?  Sure, he is adorable, but there is nothing more attractive than a guy who knows his way around a tool box.  It is called winning ladies.  

By the end of the day – fingers crossed – I will have a beautiful new floor and my appliances will return to their home base.   Step one will be complete and I am sure that my twitch will relax…..until the next phase.