Square Peg ● Round Hole







Did you survive Christmas? I feel like instead of talking about a holiday, we are referring to a natural disaster. And, it most definitely can appear that way after all is said and done. I survived. In fact, I did even better than that, I thrived.

There were a lot of things I did differently. I practiced mindful eating where I still followed my nutritional plan but allotted for some yummy treats. I used plastics plates. Not environmentally friendly, but I was saving water by not using the dishwasher, so I seriously should get points for that. With the cleanup being effortless, I was able to stay in the moment and enjoyed those who were celebrating the holidays with me. I kept it super simple. I also tried not to take myself so seriously. Just being in the mindset of accepting everyone for where they residing.

With that being said, I am grateful that Christmas is in the past. Decorations will find their way back to their original home while visions of time alone will dance in my head. T minus three days and counting, friends.