Square Peg ● Round Hole







The older the boys get, the trickier gift giving becomes.  Of course, Bryce helped me out by simply loading his request in my Amazon cart on Cyber Monday while Bailey is still pondering.  Truth be told, he doesn’t ask for anything and will be perfectly content with whatever I select.   

For several years, my guys have gone to visit family in Tampa either during Christmas or right after the holiday concludes.  This means an entire week of me doing whatever the hell I want to do.  It is quiet.  It is peaceful.  It is the greatest gift my family could ever provide.

Last year, they stayed home.   I adore them but there was that part of my soul that itched to be in solitary confinement.   The time alone is an excellent way to recharge and regroup before the new year pounds on my door.    There were no plans this year either until the University of Kentucky’s football team showed up with an astounding season and it was evident that they would be going to a bowl game near his father’s home. If you know anything about sports, U of K is known for basketball, not football, so this season was an excellent surprise.   

About a week ago, Brian mentioned his desire to go to whatever bowl U of K will be playing in (the two choices would have them play in Florida), which meant leaving on the 29th of December (they would be driving) and coming back on January 5.  Yesterday, I successfully purchased tickets for the Citrus Bowl and my week of solitude is now solidified.  

The beauty is that everyone wins.  My testosterone filled family will enjoy a fun week while cheering on their Wildcats while I have the luxury of immersing myself in the whatever I choose.    Bliss, my friends, pure bliss. So, maybe gift giving isn’t as difficult as I originally stated.