Square Peg ● Round Hole







Here I sit writing my blog while my head is trying to persuade me to start getting ready for our upcoming vacation. Bryce’s spring break is next week, so we are taking Bailey out of work and heading for the beach. Normally, I have a list that I follow religiously. I would have already started to pack and then would have to unpack because I can’t remember which clothes I packed. I have real issues, friends.

I don’t officially have a plan. Oh sure, I am looking forward to a change of scenery. A place that might really engage my inner creative core. Bailey asked me when we are packing and I didn’t give him a definitive answer. I am kind of winging this, which is so out of my character. Maybe it is just simply going with the flow. I don’t really need to know the answer because everything will fall into place even if I don’t participate at full throttle.

The one plan that we do have is that we are leaving Friday and picking up Bryce on the way. He has three classes that we told him to skip. This young man was horrified and before committing to this heinous request, he actually checked to see if there would be a penalty for missing. Jesus. Take. The. Wheel. Sure, I am thrilled that my 19-year old is super-de-duper responsible, but with a twelve hour drive ahead of us, we just want to get to our destination before it gets dark. Sorry. Not sorry.

The beach. The salt air. A break from reality always gives me a fresh perspective. I don’t really need a plan for that.