Square Peg ● Round Hole







I took my new lifestyle initiative on the road this week. Moving through the holidays with ease, I figured that vacation would be no big deal. First, let me be clear that since I did two six week rounds, I was eligible to move on to the VIP round which meant change. Change from my typical coach (I miss you, Debbie), not having my typical foods within reach, and meeting a whole new group of individuals to be accountable to has made me uncomfortable. Not a fan of change, but it seems that is exactly what 2019 has brought me.

The first day I posted my daily macro chart, I was met with LOTS of suggestions for improvement. It seems that I am not eating enough, but friends, I am full and satisfied. My ego was offended. I even thought about dropping out because I felt like I know what I am doing. That I am an expert. So, for 24 hours, I held a little bitty grudge and an “I’ll show her” attitude, so I ate an Oreo. Because that will hurt her, right? I am certifiable. Second day I posted, she was pleased with my initiative and suggested ways to utilize this lifestyle more. Okay, so maybe, I can up my game a bit. Maybe I can learn more and embrace rather than resist. It is quite possible that I have become complacent.

That’s the lesson for me. Being able to open myself up to learn more. I am not an expert. There is always room for improvement. And now that I see my stomach actually forming a two-pack (the other four are on the horizon), I know that I just need to be open for suggestions. Closing myself off only hurts me and that is the last thing I want to happen.