Square Peg ● Round Hole







The wedding is over and I need to get into the mindset of the week ahead, but I am procrastinating. Let me say that my body feels like it was in a car accident. I am not sure what happened while I was in the throes of a dance off with all the other wedding guests, but I think I have whiplash. This morning was a challenge getting out of bed. I kept wondering where all the noise was coming from, but I realized it was me moaning and groaning in pain.

While I recover from the effects of being run over by a dance machine, I realized that my focus needs to shift toward finishing my first draft and preparing my pitch. This Saturday, I am attending a workshop where I will be trying to sell my book idea to a couple of literary agents. Actually, I am really doing it for the experience, but it would be great if one of those literary agents delights in my project.

My challenge is to comprise a ten minute pitch that will highlight the intricate web of the plot along with not taking it personally if they aren’t interested. I know that not everyone is going to love it and that is okay. It is important for me to honor the process and to not throw up during the pitch.

Whatever happens, this book will continue to develop until it is polished enough to present it to the masses. At least writing a book won’t give me whiplash, and it gives me time to recover until the next time the dance floor beckons me.