Square Peg ● Round Hole







Can I be honest? Social media is incredibly bossy. Facebook shoves “friends” that I may know at me. LinkdIn is pushing “connections” down my throat because “it is all in who you know”. I get it. They are trying to be helpful, but sometimes, it is too much.

This week, Brian started his new job. (I know you are probably wondering how this has anything to do with social media. Stick with the story and you will understand.) Anyway, he is spending his time on 1st shift learning the machine he will be operating. He was convinced that he would be in training for a month. He is so proficient, that he starts 2nd shift next week. I knew it would only take a week for him to master it. It’s so hard to be right all of the time. (Kidding. I am only right 99 percent of the time.)

All week I keep getting notifications from LinkdIn, to “congratulate” Brian on his new job. Um, pretty sure I did that in person. Pretty sure, I was the crazy lady jumping up and down with my excitement. Yes, I am aware that this particular site has no idea that we are married. Or perhaps, they are encouraging a dialogue. Whatever. I am waiting for Brian to get a notification to “congratulate” me on not losing my shit for the last five months. Maybe a little “Great job, Allison on not murdering your spouse”. But, no, it is all about Brian.

In all seriousness, he seems to be enjoying this new path. Something that fills him up instead of sucking the life out of him. He deserves that with all of the crap his previous employer pulled. I am so glad that social media is as excited as I am about his new job. It’s so delightful for them to share in his happiness. They just need to calm down.