Square Peg ● Round Hole







How is it that one day can be a mixture of happiness and extreme sadness? In yesterday’s blog, I shared how I was taking my Aunt to see her husband as his life journey was transitioning. Being of service in that manner was such a gift and I will be forever grateful that I was able to say my own “see you later” to him . After we left the hospital, we joined two of her daughters, her son-in-law, and my mother for dinner. We toasted him, reminisced, and celebrated a life well-lived.

Uncle Pat left this world this morning, and the scenery lost some of its color. You see, he was vibrant. With that being said, heaven just got a little bit more fun. While I sat at the hospital yesterday watching his wife of 70 years hold his hand, I am reminded of the imprint that we leave on one another. The impact we have just by being on this earth.

I was asked to do the eulogy. While I am honored and humbled, I am also trying to figure out how I can truly express his life in a span a a few words. Here is what I know, grief is simply a passage, not a place to stay. The void is great, but lessened as we continue to live our life with intention. That is his legacy that will continue to thrive and blossom through his family.