Square Peg ● Round Hole







Is it already Monday? Sigh. We had a great weekend despite the heaviness that resides in my heart. Between Presley, (my 15 year old Basset who is currently being treated for a neurological disorder), to some other unknowns swirling, I am ready for a pause button.

We went to Nashville to cheer on the WKU Hilltoppers and support our youngest as he is their student athletic trainer. It was good to escape my responsibilities for a bit. To simply have fun and be in the belief that whatever is going to happen will indeed happen. What I forget is how the universe works, as it shows me, in vivid color, all the goodness that surrounds me.

On Saturday, we were having breakfast at our hotel, when one of the employees motioned me over to talk to her. She had just helped Bailey with retrieving an item on the buffet, and was all smiles as I ventured her way. Have you ever met someone who simply shines? This woman radiated happiness that was overwhelmingly contagious. Everyone she spoke to, responded to her joyous presence. Anyway, she shared her story with me. How at one time she was pregnant with her son, who had Down syndrome, and the loss she felt when he died In utero, when she was six months along. Her sadness was overshadowed by the extreme joy she had seeing Bailey. I took that moment to simply embrace her. I know what you are thinking. Human interaction is on my short list of things to avoid, but in this case, I felt led to connect. There is vulnerability in sharing one’s story with a stranger. I was so moved by her warrior spirit that I thought about her all day. She made such a powerful impact on me that I was able to switch my focus. Dump the worry and fear of what could happen and be mindful of being in the present moment. I have to remember that everything happens FOR me, and not TO me. It is simply a shift in thinking.

My crystal ball is broken, so I have no idea how all of these situations will resolve themselves. What I do know is that there is power in the message. That God puts people in my path to teach me something. I just have to be willing to listen and be open to the possibilities.