Square Peg ● Round Hole







Later this week, I am running away from home. Okay, that’s sounds incredibly dramatic. The reality is, I am simply packing a bag and allowing myself a well-deserved break from my life. It is the adult version of running away. I will be enjoying the company of my tribe of friends as we take a breather. But, instead of being excited, I am filled with anxiety.

Here is my issue. I feel like I have so many balls in the air that it will be impossible for life at home to go on without me. Doesn’t that sound incredibly egotistical? I mean, I am not all powerful. Things will surely continue to move forward even without my participation, right? My first concerns were my aging, diaper wearing Bassets. Brian has work, plans, you know, he has a life. I could board them but I prefer for them to be comfortable in their own domain. So, I asked for help. I have these incredible ladies that will come in periodically and care for them. First issue solved.

Then there is my mother. She becomes incredibly anxious when I leave the area which in turn, makes me feel guilty. It is a vicious cycle. Her new caregiver, who is amazing, was willing to work this Saturday, so she wouldn’t be alone. My mother is elated. Second problem alleviated.

Look, I admit I am a bit of a control freak. I think I have the pulse on everything in my life, but it is an illusion. I NEED this timeout. I NEED to decompress. To connect with my tribe who need a break too. The dogs will be fine. My mother will survive. And,I am sure that both Brian and Bailey will be doing a bit of a happy dance at my departure. It is human nature to need a reprieve. To regroup. I am doing everyone a favor by running away from home because I will come back refreshed and ready to tackle my amazing, messy, wonderful life.