Square Peg ● Round Hole







Okay. So that pesky Coronavirus has now invaded my sector. Honestly, I was probably under the belief that it wouldn’t affect me. But, now that my son’s university has extended their spring break another week, which will morph into online learning after that, I realize how deep denial runs.

Now we have empty arenas for the NCAA tournaments, events being cancelled, and government officials urging us to follow social separation. People, I wrote the book on that. I practice that like some people practice their religion. I am an expert in putting the distance between myself and my fellow humans.

I am not fearful. We have not cancelled our Disney cruise that we have scheduled for May. Honestly, if I were to be quarantined on a ship, don’t you think Disney would offer a magical experience? I mean, come on, it’s Disney. Anyway, what I am trying to articulate, is that I am simply over here, in my corner of the world, just living my life.

It’s easy to be overstimulated by all the information out there. To be sucked into the anxiety, and to feel completely out of control. That is when it is imperative that I focus on what is right in front of me. Like, finishing my 500th round of revisions and sending it to my editor. I am not psychic. I don’t have a crystal ball. But what I do know is that energy wasted worrying about things that are out of my realm of power is not beneficial to me. Think of this as an opportunity to learn something about yourself. Of course, take the situation at hand seriously, but don’t allow it to consume you. To paralyze you. Breathe in the good shit and exhale the bullshit. We will get through this.