Square Peg ● Round Hole







I am seriously tired of 2020 and all the lessons that it seems to want to present to me. The process of walking through difficult feelings and decisions is weighing heavy on my heart. I shared that we met with a hospice vet and formed a plan of action to make our Basset more comfortable. Unfortunately, by yesterday, we knew that it was time. Her mobility was rapidly declining, so I contacted the vet and made the arrangements. On Wednesday, we will say our goodbyes to sweet Daisy in the comfort of our own home. My father will be so pleased (insert sarcasm) as this will be the eighth pet sent his way. That doesn’t include the posse my sister has sent. He probably looks like Noah, minus the ark, with all the animals hanging around him.

This will be the first time in twenty-five years, that we won’t have a dog. It’s suffocating to me. Yes, I will get another dog. I just may take a timeout. The last time I said that, I had another dog within a week of losing our German Shepherd/Black Lab mix, Monty. I’m sure that the perfect dog will show itself to me at the ideal time.

In the meantime, I am enjoying my final days with her. Loving on her. Keeping her comfortable. Acknowledging that once again grief is simply unused love.