Square Peg ● Round Hole







Yesterday, after four months of online learning while being quarantined with his delightful family, Bryce has moved back to school and is now inhabiting his first apartment. His new home is pretty nice. Granite counters in the kitchen that is fully equipped with stainless steel appliances. Oh, and his own washer/dryer along with a shit ton of storage. Did I mention he is living alone? After two years of dismal roommates, he is residing in solitude.

We drove two cars down, but Bryce and Brian went earlier due to an extreme driving experience that was happening in the morning. You see, moi, purchased this as a Christmas present. They were supposed to do it in May but you know, that COVID crap was on the rise, so it was postponed.

The scheduled move-in was not until 2 p.m. CST, so Bailey and I rode down later. I had called them when I was about 20 miles away from Bowling Green. Brian informed me that Bryce wouldn’t go inquire if it would be possible to start moving in his stuff even though it was 1:30. For the love of God. We were on speakerphone, so I said, “Bryce go in and ask if you can go ahead and start unloading. All they can say is, “no.”. He reluctantly agreed and Brian was probably annoyed by how easily my words motivated my son to get his ass inside and ask a simple question. It’s a gift.

When I pulled into the parking lot, I didn’t see Bryce’s car. I called Brian and he mumbled something. I may have heard “blah blah blah” aside from the fact that they had already emptied the car because apparently he was able to move in earlier. Gee, surprise. We hung up and I still couldn’t find his car and I called Brian again. I needed a landmark and he said, “Do you see a green dumpster?”. I respond, “No, but I pulled into a spot across from a blue dumpster.” He responds, “Wait we are coming out.” They walked out and he sees the dumpster in its blue hue. Bryce is like, “Dad, it was not green.” Duh. So much for landmark help from Brian.

We emptied my car, ventured to his apartment, and proceeded to unpack. There were some questionable stains on the carpet and on his mattress. I don’t even want to think about what I would find if I used one of those ultraviolet lights in that place. Cue my shiver. Yuck. Bryce was like “don’t think about it”. Aside from that, it is nice. I mean, seriously, apartment living has really upped its game since my days in college 100 years ago.

I was a little sad as we drove away. As much as I have complained about the overuse of appliances and our higher food bill, I have loved our time together. He’s ready to get back to his life and I am so grateful he loves where he is.