Square Peg ● Round Hole







On Tuesday, I received my second dose of hope. With my vaccine completed, I was a bit wary of the side effects that I may experience, so I made sure that I had nothing to do yesterday. It was a good thing as I was the companion to some delightful reactions.

Let me preface by saying, that these reactions made my ponder their validity. For instance, I made my coffee yesterday and didn’t put the cream away. It sat on the counter until I realized it was still hanging out waiting for me to complete the task. Lack of mindfulness or brain fog? I have a tendency to be thinking about other things, so leaving the cream out would definitely fit the lack of being mindful. Then the exhaustion came to play. I couldn’t keep my eyes open, so napping was my buddy most of the day. Is that middle-age stuff or Moderna? By the end of the day, I knew that all of the physical issues that I was experiencing were a direct result of the vaccine as chills decided to hang out with my friends, brain fog and exhaustion. I am not complaining. If this is what needs to happen in order for me to start living a life where I can hug my friends, then I am all for it.

Today, I woke up with a slight headache along with the lingering brain fog. However, I feel better than I did yesterday, so I am confident that I am on the other side. It makes me even more empathetic to those individuals who suffer from long term effects due to COVID.

I never thought that getting a shot would make me emotional, but after the year we have experienced, I shouldn’t be surprised. We are on the cusp of emerging from our cocoons and hopefully, we are better humans because of it.