Square Peg ● Round Hole







For 18 months, Bailey has been in limbo without his job and this week offers a glimmer of hope as he returns to work. Well, as long as people mask up, but that is another blog for another day. The level of excitement is pulsating. It vibrates off of him and his smile is contagious. While my son is resilient and adaptable, I know that this extended period of isolation and not having a routine in place, has definitely taken its toll.

You all know that he adopted some questionable sleeping patterns that needed to be resolved before he started back to work. For the last two weeks, he has gone to bed earlier with conditions. It’s like negotiating with a terrorist. We finally agreed to a bedtime of 11 p.m. Monday through Thursday with a no-bedtime-curfew on Friday and Saturday. So far, so good.

Honestly, I was a bit concerned about regression. Individuals with Down syndrome do best with repetition and for that to have lapsed made be wonder if we would be starting over again. For now, his bosses have a plan in place that will utilize his talents along with allowing him to work with his mentor more consistently. Isn’t it funny how life works out when we simply get the out of the way?

When I picked him up yesterday, he had a smile on his face and pep in his step. I wasn’t sure where he would be after the dust settled, but I am grateful he landed in familiar terrain.