Square Peg ● Round Hole







A friend of mine died this week. Since 2020, she has battled Stage 4 Pancreatic cancer with a spiritual grace that was inspiring. We met through mutual friends and I was instantly attracted to her warm and welcoming personality. She quietly fought with humor and was quick to be a supporter to anyone in need. She was one of those people who you just wanted to bask in their light.

If you are a frequent flyer on this blog, you will remember that in October I had some extensive foot surgery. While recovering, I struggled and openly asked for help. She was one of the first people to reach out to me. There was a part of me that was ashamed or felt guilty that she was comforting me when her own health journey was so dire. But, you see, that was her essence. Her selflessness knew no boundaries. She radiated light.

I texted her on her birthday where she responded with an enthusiastic “thank you” and told me that “2023 has been a great year”. Imagine being able to see the goodness even when you are dying. Her biggest gift, she told me, was mindful connections with those around her. Instead of going through the motions, she was intentional. She inspired my word for 2024 which happens to be “intentional”.

Surprisingly, she wrote her own obituary and it was EVERYTHING. It was layered with humor and memories. It was reminiscent of a life well-lived. She jokingly shared that her son was “single and ready to mingle”. Her story about how she met her loving spouse was adorable. You heard her voice and laughter throughout. It was the perfect goodbye.

Her legacy leaves a lasting imprint on me and everyone who was touched by her. I don’t think there is any bigger compliment than to be a person who impacts others.

Rest in peace, my beautiful friend.