Square Peg ● Round Hole







Two weeks ago, Brian dropped his Kia off for service. Air Conditioning was not working and considering it is the temperature of hell, it was vital that it gets repaired. Currently, we are a one car family. Why? Because not only was the A/C needing a little TLC, but there were some other issues, one of which was a bad catalytic converter. The great thing about COVID was not just the emergence of people who have become raging assholes, but we also have a shortage of shit. Waiting for parts seems to be trendy.

The solution was to pivot. I drive him to and from work whenever I have something pressing that day. He takes the car when I am free as a bird. In other words, I am an official Uber driver. When I picked him up on Tuesday, he commented on how it would be nice to have a cold drink when he came out. I don’t think most Uber drivers offer that, but if they do, it is smart marketing. Yesterday, when I picked him up, I had a cold beverage in a huggie along with his seat temperature on cool. He was so happy with the service, that I think he might be a repeat customer.

He works at a manufacturing plant, so when 2:30 hits, it looks like a gang of school children anxious to get the hell out of the building. They pour out of the door practically shoving people out of the way. It is a sight to behold. When Brian got in the car yesterday, I told him I feel like I should ask him if he has any homework or if he needs a snack.

What is more alarming is that I have not been edgy about when we will get the car back. I am not asking him everyday if he has heard anything. Nope. I am super peaceful. Maybe this is foreshadowing of how life will be when we are old. My nagging or asking numerous questions will not make the release of his car any quicker. To be fair, the mechanic did say he was going to call him after lunch. That was a week ago. It must be an extremely long lunch. Bottom line…..not my car and the truth is, while we love our Kia cars, their service department sucks and apparently take very long lunch breaks. Sigh.

More will be revealed. In the meantime, Brian will be enjoying the perks of having me as a driver. I am a ray of sunshine.