Square Peg ● Round Hole







We all do it. The reflection. The moment where we analyze the ups and downs of the past year. Thinking about how we could have made it better and then vowing that 2020 will be the year to seize. You might make some resolutions, which are just premeditated resentments. I prefer to fly by the seat of my pants. It’s more interesting that way. Lots of plot twists available for my living pleasure.

Let me say that the end of 2018 was a shit show. Brian lost his job two weeks before Christmas and then went five months being unemployed. My greatest accomplishment was that I am not currently wearing an orange jumpsuit and serving a life sentence for murder. It worked out in the end and he is employed with a company that not only appreciates him, but his job makes him happy. So, 2019 resulted in a career change that I never saw happening. He went from a corporate environment to a manufacturing career. Can we way plot twist? Guess that is why the big guy is in charge and I am not.

For me, the year was all about commitment. Since I was so annoyed by Brian being at home ALL THE TIME, I dove into my finishing my book. I can’t say it is done. There is more revising and tweaking, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. It’s dim. I have to squint to see it, but it’s there. During this process, I found this amazing editor who has agreed to work with me in a consulting fashion as I continue to cultivate this story. She believes in me. The literary agent that I sent it to also believes in me. That, in itself, is a motivator. This process unfolded organically. The timing was prime and I simply seized it.

Of course, there were obstacles, losses, and moments where I wondered how God was going working it out, but He did and my family is happy, healthy and thriving. There were plenty of WTF moments as the year progressed. Moments where I simply wanted to reside in a straight jacket. But, those quickly dissipated and gave me the opportunity to learn something.

The year will conclude with Bryce traveling with his college football team where they will play in a bowl game on ESPN. Watching my kid, excel in his job as an student athletic trainer, is an excellent way to celebrate the end of 2019. I think 2020 is going to be epic.