Square Peg ● Round Hole







Through this whole new reality, I have a new skill set. It is called Zoom. Now, this amazing platform has apparently been around awhile, but because of our new social distancing initiative, this has been a new way to connect with other humans. There is a blip though and I was baffled that it even needed to be addressed.

While I hang out with my friends, I also use it for meetings. Color me surprised when someone raised the awareness of etiquette. Now, I am in the mindset that if I wouldn’t do something at a face-to-face meeting, then I won’t be doing it on Zoom. Like, eating cereal for example, or perhaps taking your device as you move around your home. These actually happen. I kid you not. And while these situations are occurring, their microphone is not muted. Fortunately, I am the host for one of the meetings, so I have the power to mute everyone. Thank you, Jesus. Oh, and dressing appropriately is an item of concern. Apparently, this quarantine thing has messed with some people’s heads.

Not on the list of etiquette suggestions, but on my list of annoying shit, happens to be the virtual backgrounds. They were cool when people discovered them, but try attending a meeting where it appears that so and so’s body disappears, so all you see is a head and it is floating. Or, they just completely disappear then reappear. And it keeps happening. Like a really annoying game of peekaboo without an adorable child.

Don’t get me wrong. I am so grateful for the ability to be able to see the faces of the people I miss and for my new skill set. I just hope that people learn how to mute themselves, dress appropriately, and get over their fascination with the virtual backgrounds.