Square Peg ● Round Hole







I am less than a week away from the launch of my debut novel. That is crazy surreal. Some exciting things have surfaced as I wait for the birth of my book. I may need an epidural. Anyway, COVID has put a damper on how this book launch would typically happen, but there are some creative alternatives.

This Tuesday, January 19 at 8 P.M. EST, I will be a guest on this cool Podcast, called Lurking for Legends, with hosts/authors, Christie Stratos and Richard H. Stephens. Tune in as we chat about my book and anything else that pops up. I will supply the link prior to Tuesday. This is a video/audio podcast which means I will need up my game in the attire department. Can’t remember the last time I wore anything but random T-shirts and yoga pants. Is my makeup still viable?

On Thursday, February 11 from 5 P.M. – 7 P.M., I will be having a book signing at Cartwheels in Louisville, Kentucky. This is an adorable boutique that features a wide-array of gifts all with a personal touch. If you are close to that area, please stop in for this social distanced, mask wearing event, where I will sign books and virtually hug you. There will be a limited amount of books for sale, if you haven’t already purchased one or ten. No one will judge you if you buy more than one. Your secret is safe with me.

If you aren’t in the area, but would like a signed copy, you can contact me through my website.

Have a great weekend, friends!!