Square Peg ● Round Hole







Friends, I think it might be time for an Emily Post wanna-be to write a book on how to act like a mature adult when the whole world has gone bat shit crazy. There is a niche for this considering that some of you act like petulant toddlers when people disagree with you. It’s a disease. Similar to cancer since it eats away at our sense of compassion and the ability to understand that who you vote for is no one else’s business. Also, the reality that you will not sway people by bullying them. Sweet. Baby. Jesus. Can someone direct me to intelligent life forms?

I changed my profile picture recently to share the sentiment that neither presidential candidate was capable of running this country. It read “Anyone Else 24”. Wow, just wow. A girl changes her photo and the rumbles of anger permeated my page. Most of the posts were agreeable sharing the sentiment that it is time to gravitate from old, rich, white men and pursue younger politicians who have a fresh approach to our nation’s issues. Then the arguments started as if your post is SO powerful that you are going to change minds by your ramblings. That isn’t how it works.

Here are some tips for acting mature while on social media:

  1. If you see a post you disagree with, don’t respond to it. (I know it is hard for some of you, but try it.
  2. When you post angry statements that are a personal attack on someone, remember, people are reading what you are saying and if you are a business person, that might impact the bottom line. You are representing not just yourself but your business brand.
  3. It is none of your business why or who someone votes for, so stop asking.
  4. Follow the sentiment that was taught when we were kids, if it isn’t nice, don’t say it.
  5. Remember if you aren’t a part of the solution, then you part of the problem.
  6. Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary? If it doesn’t meet the criteria, then don’t post it.

When it comes down to it, I don’t give two shits who people vote for because it isn’t my business. Here is the deal, we all just want to be heard, but we don’t take the time to listen. It is an epidemic made worse by social media. Just be fucking kind. That’s it. Just be kind. Our children are watching.