Square Peg ● Round Hole







I take great pride in my ability to BE present and in the moment, but sometimes my mind is like a nomad and wanders into places that take me away from what is in the now. That was the case Saturday as I went about my morning, planning for our day trip to see a college football game at our son’s school along with getting ready for our trip this Thursday. While the thoughts rattled around in my brain, I absently took one of Myla’s pills. I gasped. Oh, shit. I go to my phone to explore the potential issues humans would have if taken. Ummm……the headline read “Apoquel is not approved for human consumption. Call your Poison Control immediately”. Jesus. Now I have created death scenarios in my head. Death by Apoquel is not the way I wanted to go. It sounds lame and dumb. I don’t want that to be the last thing people remember.

I called Poison Control and laid out the situation for the woman at the other end. She was very kind and didn’t laugh at me. Instead, she told me that 16 mg of this substance may upset my stomach but otherwise, I am going to be fine. Then we both laughed about it and she shared that I am not the only one to call to say that they had taken their dogs medicine. Grateful that I am not alone in being mindless.

Now I am just pissed because those pills are expensive and I just wasted one because I was everywhere that I was supposed to be. Good glory! The trouble I can get myself into when I don’t stay in the very moment. Grateful that I had the awareness of taking it before I also took her Trazadone. That would have been a whole other layer of anxiety and probably sleep. I might need a keeper. Sweet. Baby. Jesus.