Square Peg ● Round Hole







I don’t know about you, but I am exhausted. Exhausted from the current social climate. Exhausted from the constant barrage of hate and discontent. Just exhausted. The good news is that I have choices. I can choose to be happy in my own life and not allow those outside entities to interfere with the present moments. You see, if I allow people, places, and things to affect me, then I am giving away my power.

It doesn’t matter where your allegiance lies, but it does matter how you live your life going forward. For me, I will continue to volunteer with Hosparus and gain so much from my patients who are at the end of their lives. I will continue to advocate for the muted demographic. I will find joy in my life with my deep connection to my Higher Power that I choose to call God. I will trust that everything happens for the highest and greatest good.

I don’t have a crystal ball, but I do know that my power lies in my own choices. Acceptance doesn’t mean I like it. It simply means that I choose to believe that this too shall pass. Now, in full authenticity, I am fearful, but I won’t allow that to rule my day. If I do I will miss a lot of goodness.

Moving forward, I will do a lot of prayer, meditation, and writing. I will shine my light in my corner of the world. Don’t allow the outside chaos to dim your light. Stand in your power and don’t allow anyone or anything to extinguish it.