Square Peg ● Round Hole







This year has flown by with warp speed. I mean, good glory, Thanksgiving is tomorrow! I realize that the holidays bring up lots of emotional baggage. It is hard to harmonize with people who might be your tool tester. The good news is that you have choices! You can set the tone for any interaction. You are probably thinking I have been hitting the bottle early, but I promise you that if you go into ANY interaction with positive intent, you can come out of it unscathed.

First rule, don’t talk about politics or religion, but especially politics. Nothing ruins a gathering than some jackass spouting off their opinions on the demise of our country. Light and polite, friends. I don’t have to engage, I simply deflect and talk about something happy like my great-nephew and great-niece. Or, I stuff food in my mouth or take a swig of my drink, so I am not tempted to engage. The majority of my family differs from my political stance, so going in, I enter with the knowledge that I can love people even through differences. I know that is a hard one for most people, but I can own my truth and let everyone else do the same. Loving people means accepting them exactly the way they are.

The second rule is to simply be present. Time is fleeting and I don’t want to miss a moment. Memories are created when I simply absorb the true meaning of the holiday season. Look, I am not being an overly zealous cheerleader for the holidays, but I do find value in just being happy despite outside entities. I get to choose how I show up today.

I haven’t been a fan of the holidays since my Dad died almost 19 years ago. The fact that he passed away two weeks before Christmas might have something to do with that, but I am finding that since both my parents are gone, I get to create a new way of celebrating. I get to settle into being grateful for this incredible life that I am living.

Holiday harmony is obtainable as long as I am spiritually fit, which means taking care of myself physically, emotionally, and mentally. All of it begins with me and that is a pretty powerful place to be.

Happy Thanksgiving! I am grateful for you and your willingness to embrace my crazy blog.