Square Peg ● Round Hole







Like a rabid stalker, I peruse the freelance writing opportunities with tremendous drive.   Of course, it is like finding a needle in a haystack because the ones with any meat to them are few and far between.  I have been patient and actually have let off the gas in the last few weeks.  But, last night I received an email from a national magazine saying “we love your work”.  Now, I had to refresh my memory as I sent in my resume and writing links almost two months ago.   The final question on the email was, “What are your three writing passions?”.    For a few minutes I sat there wondering the same thing.

Was this a trick question?   If I answer this incorrectly, does that mean I won’t get the opportunity to make my mark on a wider audience base?    I freaked out a little and I might have had a bit of an anxiety attack.    So I let that question marinate and asked for a little guidance.  After all, I have never really thought about it.   Plus, my inner bad neighborhood was convinced that I would answer it wrong, but those voices in my head are not always reliable sources.

After pondering the question, I wrote with true transparency, that I draw passion from writing about my own personal experiences as a mom and imperfect human along with the enjoyment of describing how people create a home from their decor, and lastly, giving a platform with my words to those who haven’t found their voice.     Then I pressed send.    Nothing may ever come from that particular magazine, but I know that my truth was in that answer and frankly, it made me a little giddy that they even asked.