Square Peg ● Round Hole







I have entered the stage of my life where selectivity is my new best friend.   From writing assignments to social events, I am picky.   I no longer feel like if I don’t seize an opportunity that I will be missing something.   If it doesn’t work for me, then it goes into the pile of “no thanks”.   Now, don’t get confused, I do say “yes”, but it must be really attractive.  Like a big slice of “salted caramel cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory” attractive.  That is some pretty high standards, friends.

I enjoy small gatherings with my tribe of beautiful people where I can say things like, “did I already tell you this?” and be comforted by the thought that they will indeed tell me.   Writing assignments that have some meaning and aren’t built on a base of fluff attract me.    They allow me to show the other side of my writing personality and take my craft to the next level.   I think what I am really saying, is that I am discovering the beauty of having choices.  No longer being held hostage by someone or something.  Being able to say with authority, “that’s not going to work for me”, and moving on.   Some of the time, there are lessons within those choices.     Especially in the world of freelance writing, there are a lot of people that will fill you with empty promises.    It has taken some time to accept that not all have my best interest at heart.  And, to be truthful, sometimes it takes a few hits to have the realization.

I guess the bottom line is finding that level of comfort.  Trusting the process and not being hard on myself when my selection process isn’t so stellar.   Being open to new experiences, but reserve the right to pause before committing.    Being grateful for the choices that I have, but also honoring what feels right and natural.   Remembering that I am human and doing the best that I can.    That is an excellent reminder for us all.