Square Peg ● Round Hole







This week has been heavy with emotion, so it has been important for me to find the humor. I mean, if I don’t laugh, I will simply melt into a puddle of despair. Let’s chat about diapers for dogs. Both of my Bassets are experiencing various levels of sickness. Because they are dispensing gallons of pee every hour, I opted to get them some fashion-forward doggie underwear.

Let me just state for the record, I never thought I would be considering which brand of the disposable diapers I would purchase for my four-legged children. Once I selected them, I was hopeful that my home would now be safe from the flood. Not kidding when I say we are drowning in pee.

Last night, I thought I would try them out, in an effort to make sure they are durable prior to us leaving them home alone when we attend Brian’s uncle’s funeral tomorrow. I put one on Presley with no problem. Sure, she was concerned at what the hell was wrapped around her ass, but she is on pain pills, so her worry level was low. Daisy on the other hand was a different story. Let me preface by saying, she has a large ass. I am not talking just a little junk in the trunk. Nope, she has so much junk in her trunk that, frankly, it is a wonder she can even walk. I finally was able to secure it, after several attempts at getting it tight enough. All I could think about was that song, “Baby Got Back”. Of course, I took a picture and texted it to Bryce who commented, “Looks like fun”, which, I can confirm, it wasn’t. Unfortunately, when Daisy went to sit down, the diaper disengaged and I realized that the L/XL size wasn’t going to do the trick. I will need to venture out into the world, and purchase XXL. Sigh.

Life can be incredibly serious. Right now, I need a little comic relief. A moment in time where I forget that one of my dogs is dying and the other is awaiting test results. A moment where I forget that grief is palpable. So, yeah, Bassets in diapers does the trick.