I find that my ordinary life is extraordinary About twelve years ago, I had a spiritual awakening of sorts or as Oprah called it, my “aha moment”. I was so consumed with everything around me, I was no longer in the present moment. Instead, I was distracted by the chaos that enveloped my life. Recently, I was sharing with some friends, about how I can’t remember a good chunk of my boy’s childhood moments. Moreover, I was focused on controlling every situation to insure my comfort level. The reality is I missed out and now am very conscious of keeping my thoughts and actions in this minute to minute event we call life.
Yesterday, I helped my youngest clean out his closet and organize it for the upcoming school year. It was an ordinary task with lots of beautiful moments intertwined to form a reel that I can replay over and over. The conversation and the insights of simply cleaning out a closet, made this an extraordinary event. While Bryce might not remember, I will.
As human beings, we all strive for that extraordinary life. Sure, it is amazing to visit exotic locations, be successful in our careers, but at the end of the day, extraordinary can be simply be made up of simple moments that we overlook because we are searching for bigger and better. If you blink, you may miss it.
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