Square Peg ● Round Hole







I am not one to wish the day away, but a reboot would be helpful at this point. Nothing bad, just life being life or perhaps, a better description is me being me.

I have suffered from an on and off migraine for three weeks. It just never fully goes away. My neurologist put me on a course of steroids which caused me to be a moody bitch with a sugar obsession that makes me have night sweats. These night sweats rival a torrential rainfall. It hasn’t been pretty. I have really worked hard on not taking it out on my family and have also resisted being in public for fear I might hurt someone. Steroids sucks.

Anyway, I took my last dose on Monday and am slowly coming out of the side-effects. I still feel like a bloated whale, but that too shall pass. With the steroid issue, I have been up at the crack ass of dawn which hasn’t been all bad since I am highly productive. Brian loves it because we get to start our morning together, but I also do all the tasks he normally does. He is really benefiting from my situation.

This morning, I woke up later than normal which tells me that Satan’s medicine is slowly leaving my system. I greet Brian and realize that my pajamas are on backwards. That should have been an indication that I was not starting out on the right foot. In the meantime, while my brain is adjusting to being awake, the man that I love spews a lot of information that Bailey relayed to him last night. Stuff that I kind of need to know since I handle his schedule. While I am processing, he throws another bombshell on my morning, I am out of my coffee. Ugh. Apparently, this three week headache has taken away my capacity to count pods. I am left with Brian’s coffee which is basically colored water. I need a bitch-slap in the morning and that shit does not cut it.

I reluctantly brew it and hope for the best. In my mind, I convince myself it is the nudge I need. After all, I only drink one cup a day, so I need it to represent its best self. This lackluster coffee might as well have been a group of people because it did nothing but annoy me. I drank half a cup before I decided it wasn’t worth lying to myself. Fortunately, my coffee qualified for free shipping to be delivered between 4 a.m. and 8 a.m. tomorrow morning. I just have to hold on until then.

I know I seem dramatic. I own it. There are simply things in my life I enjoy and my intense coffee is one of them. I highly suggest avoiding any interactions with me until after 9 a.m. tomorrow. I really should come with a warning label.