So, today for those of us in the Catholic faith, starts the season of lent. There is a lot of discussion over what individuals will “give up” until Easter. My belief system is that giving up chocolate or social media doesn’t impact anyone, except the individual. My question is, how can I make this about service to others? Instead of giving up, I am pledging to give back. Whether it is a random act of kindness or allowing myself to act in a volunteer capacity, I want to utilize this time expand my heart to others.
Now that may sound sappy, but I firmly believe that just giving up Facebook doesn’t give back to anyone. Impacting others, for me, is a simple way to express gratitude and to show my kids that there is so much more to this lenten season than “giving up”.
So, how many will join me? And even if you don’t observe lent, giving back isn’t reserved for Catholics. It is a human condition that even with one small act of kindness can and will leave a positive feeling on those that have been touched. It is my hope that even after lent is over, my feeling of giving back will simply be a habit.
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