Square Peg ● Round Hole







I compare this week to a twister of ups and downs.  Similar to a weather event, we pause afterwards to clean up the debris the storm has left.     Regrouping is necessary to find a balance while retrieving the pieces of our life back.   It is a process.

As I reflect on this week’s events, I am in awe of how present everyone seemed to be.    Focusing on the now versus the future unknowns.  It is in these moments that I am mindful of the ability to be of service, the power of prayer, and the necessity of self-care.    Caring for my sick husband, providing a safe haven for my nephew while his father recovers from a stroke, and maintaining our regular programming, is like walking on a tight rope.  However, if I have learned anything is it the act of taking a break.    Meditating poses as a spiritual release for me while exercising provides a physical outlet.   Oh, and the big one, asking for help.   Allowing others to step in and provide a meal or a listening ear, helps in the process.

While this emotional and physical “storm” wrecked havoc, there is healing, there is light emerging, and the confidence that while the unexpected took us by surprise, the real blessings are on the horizon.