As I shared yesterday, Kentucky skipped Wednesday due to the intense polar vortex. By 10 am, the wind chill was -15 below and taking the girls to go potty was brutal. But, with that, comes all of the residue from people making poor choices. When I gain knowledge of intolerance or plain stupidity, I take a note from those who survived the Holocaust….focus on the helpers.
Our Governor, in his infinite wisdom, put a spotlight on our state by saying that we are making our kids “soft” by cancelling school because of the cold. The comment drew backlash and he was called a “nitwit” on national television because of the statement. Our poverty level ranks 47th. While no child should be exposed to the extremity that we experienced yesterday, many don’t have the clothing to even begin to cope with a typical winter day let alone this situation while standing out waiting for their bus. He says he was being “facetious”, but let’s be honest, that probably isn’t the truth.
Another fun fact about our state. We rank last in protecting our four-legged animals. Let me just be completely honest in my assessment. Any individual who leaves their pets outside in this type of weather probably should be exposed to the same treatment. Last night, an animal control officer picked up a sweet dog who was chained with only a sheet to warm herself. When they brought her in, the collar around her neck was too small and needed to be cut off, plus she was starving. She probably would not have survived the night. The owner will get away with a slap on the wrist. What about the other animals who are not so lucky?
But, let’s focus on the helpers. In our beautiful city of Louisville, we have many coalitions that walk the streets checking on our homeless population that won’t seek shelter from the weather. Among them is a group that helps those individuals who also have pets. Our animal control and police officers have been combing the city responding to calls regarding animals left out in the cold. That is what I want to focus on when things appear dark. Looking for those who are making a difference. Focusing on the goodness. Life isn’t always pretty, but when there are individuals who are working toward the greater good despite it being an uphill battle, then my hope isn’t dimmed.
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