Square Peg ● Round Hole







I am on the heels of celebrating another birthday and I am not one to shy away from festivities. I get to age which is not an honor everyone gets plus I get to be 57 again. Let me explain. All year, I have been telling people that I am 57. I wasn’t. I was 56. Apparently, I love being 57 so much that I will spend another year at this amazing number. It is all about perception.

It wasn’t lost on me that I received many congratulatory messages from my various medical practices. It is great that my doctors are excited about my birthday because it means they still have a patient breathing. Great for their bottom line. I am nothing but generous. I also received several flyers for assisted living. The universe is really looking out for me.

I know there are many who are struggling with the ageing process. They can’t reconcile the rising number each year, but there is such gratitude for getting to this place. I am happy. I am healthy. (I mean, for the most part, which is why I receive so many birthday greetings from my doctors. I’m a frequent flyer.) I am at peace. Wow. The peace portion took a while, but here I reside all Zen and shit. Fifty-seven is going to be amazing! I should know since this is my second time around unless I start telling people I am 58.

Kindle Vella

If you haven’t indulged in my Kindle Vella series, The Turning Point, it is not too late! Check it out on the Kindle platform. It is a fun, interactive way to connect with readers. Be sure to like and share. It helps promote me and make me some green. This series will conclude at the end of July. Never fear. A new series will be starting August 1 and you, like Aerosmith says, don’t want to miss a thing.

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