Square Peg ● Round Hole







My name is Allison and I am addicted to social media. It’s fascinating, really. These platform creators have implemented a social experiment that we all agreed to. It is a glaring representation on why we need more guards at the gene pool.

I have roughly one thousand “friends” on Facebook and over 1800 followers on Instagram. The experiment is probably more prevalent on Facebook, but can be applied to all areas of social media. There is the group that says they are hardly on social media, but they know everything you have posted. I call them the stalkers. They don’t want to admit they have been taken hostage by these platforms, so they act superior as if they are spending their time feeding the hungry. Please. You are just like the rest of us. Just own it.

There is the group that I like to refer to as “out of touch”. These are the people who gloss over a post and the comments. Then they will ask questions that have either been answered in the post or in the comments. They are so busy with their own agenda, they simply can’t take the time to actually read the information. Bless. Their. Hearts. They operate in society this way. These are the people who don’t have all the information and then run around with false facts. This group also wishes people “Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great day!” to individuals who have died. I kid you not, I am worried about this group. Also, what is the social etiquette on unfriending those who have passed away? I have several on my “friend” list. Do you see how my brain works? I get it. My thinking scares me too.

Then there are the social media darlings. They post a lot, but you don’t mind because their posts are entertaining and light. They aren’t like the other group that I refer to as “I will change your mind”. These are the individuals who think their socially or politically charged posts are going to change minds about a particular topic. Social media isn’t that powerful. Oh, and I get that you love Jesus too. I do as well, but I don’t need to broadcast it or act like He would be on the side of whatever belief system you are pushing because that’s not how it works.

Let’s not forget that social media is just another scripted reality show to some people. They post their “perfect” lives and they always overuse #blessed. Honestly, I appreciate the posts where people are genuine, authentic and honest. Not everything needs to be plastered everywhere for public consumption, but social media does provide a space for comfort and/or encouragement. There are some pros along with the cons. I am just fascinated at the human experiment that we are currently participating in and how it translates to real life. Some of you will have lots of explaining to do when you get to the pearly gates. I hope Jesus posts about it.