Square Peg ● Round Hole







I have always wondered what it would be like to be famous. Would everyone knowing your name be annoying? Would the attention grow wearier under the spotlight? I haven’t reached that level, but the encounter at my orthopedic practice gave me pause.

My mother-in-law recently had foot surgery. Nothing as complicated as my foot reconstruction, but pretty major for a woman in her seventies. Last week, I took her for her follow-up where I realized that pushing a wheelchair is above my pay grade. I almost rammed her in doors, walls, well, you get the idea. I won’t be putting that on my resume as one of my skill sets.

I signed her in and parked her wheelchair while we waited to go back. As her name was called, I wheeled her down the corridor towards an exam room. On the way, I was greeted with various “Hey, Allison” along with “Wow, how does it feel to not be a patient this time around”. Clearly, I am a frequent flyer with this practice. In a span of eight years, I have had a knee replacement and two foot reconstructions. At this age, I am grateful that I am known because my used car AKA my body needs occasional repairs. Having connections to medical personnel is vital at this stage of the game. I waved to people as I passed by as though I were a queen.

I keep reminding my youngest, that it is important to network and make those connections. While it is in the realm of his career, mine is all about having the best medical team possible. The aging process certainly does change your priorities.


Have you checked out KindleVella? This unique platform allows writers to share serialized stories with readers over an extended time – one episode at a time. My newest creation is The Turning Point, which is the third book in my series. You don’t have to read, Her Turn, or My Turn, first as this is a complete standalone. If you haven’t read my two previous publications, check them out. I am always excited to have new readers. Please like, share, and review. This helps all authors in their quest to attract an audience.

Thank you for your continued support! xoxo Allison