Square Peg ● Round Hole







Today is 9/11. I really don’t need to explain anything beyond that. People got up that morning as they always did. Hurrying to their jobs. Dropping kids off at school. It was just like any other day except it wasn’t. Our landscape was forever changed that day. What have we learned from that moment? Well, I was so inspired by the acts of many heroes. I had faith that we could put our differences aside and work together for a common purpose. It was a beautiful bloom amidst the destruction.

Fast forward and the circus has come to town and stayed permanently. We have politicians that tell us immigrants are eating our pets in Ohio. (Somebody has been hitting the MJ ie Mary Jane) Reality TV has decided casting felons with ankle bracelets to compete in a dancing competition is a way to inspire our youth. We have Artificial Intelligence that adds a layer of conspiracy to everything from books to political endorsements. Our children go to school not just to learn,but to hopefully not die trying. You simply can’t make this shit up.

While there are people planning survival for when our country implodes, I prefer to figure out a way not to survive. I mean, let’s be honest, those preparing might be a tad unhinged why would I want to survive just to continue dealing with the crazy? I

On this day, I am going to remember a time where people gave a shit about one another. I am going to remember a time where we were kind to each other even when we didn’t agree with one another. On this day, I am going to remember those people whose heroic acts inspired the masses. I am going to remember those who didn’t make it home. I am going to remember that we used to be a country with some compassion. Maybe someday we can get back to that.