I know that you all have lost sleep over the sweet potato saga and the issue of me being my own pain in the ass. Calm down. All is well. Yesterday, I enjoyed my delectable sweet potato for lunch. I managed to turn on the slow cooker and the bonus was that I actually plugged it in. Progress, my friends. Also, my pain in my lower back has subsided enough that I can function without grimacing. Winning!
My youngest is in the homestretch of completing his first year in college. Seriously, this year has flown by and I am really proud of how well I adjusted. Oh, he did too, but I really proud of me. I have gotten so comfortable with our new living arrangement, it feels weird when he does come home. Oh, I hear you all gasping. Don’t get me wrong, I love when he is home, but it changes the rhythm that the three of us have. It kind of reminds me of when I gave birth to Bryce and how different it felt adding another human to the mix.
A week from Tuesday, Bryce comes home for the summer. He has about eight weeks of home time before he reports back for football camp. So, he has devised a plan of emptying his dorm room in small portions. Yesterday, he brought home his trunk full of stuff along with most of his clothes. Honestly, I think his stuff had babies because I don’t remember loading up this much crap when we moved him into his dorm. Do you know what I love? He told us not to worry about coming down and moving the bigger items out of his dorm because and I quote, “I’ve got this”.
For those of you that are on the brink of change due to your kid leaving for college, know that the transition is easier than you think. Sure, you will miss them. Of course, you will worry. There will probably be challenges. We had the roommate issue. (He was an asshole, but since moved out.) Bryce learned that if you are having an trouble in a class, it is best not to wait until the eleventh hour to ask for assistance. He was under the assumption that once you go to college, you should not need to ask for help. Christ. On. A. Cracker. With that being said, he has grown a lot. He is happy, situated, and at ease. That is the goal, right? Sending them out into the world and hoping they aren’t assholes. Hoping that they will contribute to society and make it a better place. It’s interesting watching his life unfold. Seeing him thrive and actually enjoying himself, inside and outside of the classroom. A year ago, I was on the brink of a nervous breakdown at the thought of him leaving. Today, I am thinking about how to make room for all of the shit he is bringing home and how to give it birth control so it doesn’t continue to multiply. What a difference a year makes.
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